Ryans Dwarf Rams

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My name is Ryan. I run Ryan's Dwarf Cichlids. I have been in fish for many years now even though I havent even graduated yet. I have set-up many aquariums one of which can be seen at St. Mary's school here in Taber. This is a fish only saltwater tank but is slowly being converted into a reef.
I decided to breed rams when I was talking to one of my LFS owners and he said there was a market for these beautiful little fish and barley any breeders. He said he had to import them and lost alot of stock. So I figured a what the heck I will give it a whirl and (knock on wood) so far so good.
Deciding to buy these rams was not on impulse I have done hours and hours of reserch on these guys before hand. Seeing I wanted to keep them with my future discus this is why I had done the research. When I saw them in the pet store I decided to buy them. They have great personality and are always on the move. They come and greet me every morning when I turn the lights on and are there when I turn the lights off.
Ryan's Dwarf rams is run out of Taber Alberta. I specialize in rams but I can get just about anything. It will cost a little more and you may have to wait but I can get them. You can contact me my emailing me at scorpion729@hotmail.com
Seeing this is run out of the basment of my house I am giving no tours of my facility. Maybe in later years I will start but for now none will be givin. Please if you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me by via email.