Ryans Dwarf Rams

The Tank

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The Tank

The tank is a 40 gallon aquarium. It is is illuminated by 2 36 inch 30 watt blue lights and a 175 watt 10 000K metal halide. It has a 2 inch layer of blue gravel and a blue back ground. I find blue works the best because it looks good through the plants. There are about 24 individual stocks of Elodia in the aquarium, 3 Java Ferns, 2 grass plants, some little red plant with arrow shaped leaves, and a thick broad leaf plant. I have no clue what it is. The tank runs a steady PH of  7.6, amonia 0, Nitrite 0, and a hardness of 80 ppm. The fish are not only surviving but thriving. All are getting along and I plan on picking up more rams in the very near future. Along with some neon tetras, black phantom tetras, and more angels.

This is the tank with just the blue lights on.

This is the tank with the halide and the blue lights on. I like the look the halide gives off.