Ryans Dwarf Rams

Future Projects

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The Tank

In the future i would like to set up a 90 gallon tank with the following fish: Redeye Tetras, Black Phantom Tetras, Serpea Tetras, Neon Tetras, Dwarf Algea Eaters, 6 different types of cory catfish, Swordtails, Dwarf Rams, and Angelfish. This will be a heavily planted tank full of driftwood also. I would also like a 25 gallon discus tank for a couple Discus. I will probaly order either highfin Cobalts or King Cobras from the States.
The next projectis going to be a 55 gallon tangayikan tank. It will house white Calvus Cichlids as well as some Leleupi's, Brichardi's, Marlieri cichlid, and some Tretocephalus cichlids. So realy it is a Tangyikan tank.